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CrossRoads offers classes for 3 & 4 year olds.

All classes run from 9 am-noon or 12:30 pm-3:00 pm.
Each class will have 12 students with one teacher and one assistant.

Morning Session: (9:00 AM to Noon)

3 Year Olds (2 classes)
1. Two days per week @ $176 per month
(Monday & Wednesday)

2. Two days per week @ $176 per month
(Tuesday & Thursday)

4 Year Olds (3 classes)
1. Three days per week @ $209 per month
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

2.Three days per week @ $209 per month
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)


3.Four days per week @ $230 per month
(Monday thru Thursday)

Afternoon Session: (12:30 PM to 3:00 PM)

3 Year Olds (2 classes)
1. Two days per week @ $171 per month
(Monday & Wednesday)

2. Two days per week @ $171 per month
(Tuesday & Thursday)

4 Year Olds (3 classes)
1. Three days per week @ $203 per month
(Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday)

2. Three days per week @ $203 per month
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)

3. Four days per week @ $225 per month
(Monday thru Thursday)

Spanish Class: $35
UPfield Soccer: TBA

For all classes there is a $50 registration fee.
Note: Must be 3 or 4 years old by August 1, 2025

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